Secret: “ Why Is More Important Than What”


 Rather than “tell what” you’re selling, “show why” they’re buying

   The word “why” always have a heavier impact than the word “what” in our conversations.

What we need as sales persons from our sales “pitch”, our sales message, is to get the attention of the customer/buyer. Stating features and characteristics to anyone is the most boring thing he wants to hear.

And that is what he does. He listens and gets tired soon.  Much sooner than expected.

On the other hand, the word “why” always provokes an answer. It might come from the customers’ heart or brain, but that answer is what every salesperson is looking for. The solid ground upon to stand and sell.

Reviewing lots of sales messages lately, I came up to a common underlying theme. No matter what the medium, whether in emails, websites, sales presentations or even TV commercials, most sales messages turn out to be ineffective, because they “tell what” rather than “show why”. Let me make it clear.

Average sales messages tell what the seller would like the customer to believe. The problem with such messages is that the customer has no idea whether these statements are really true.


Wrong messages 

  • We are reliable and trustworthy
  • Our product saves your money
  • We have the best customer care service

   Right messages 

  • Our customer base includes Mercedes-Benz and IBM
  • Independent studies show our  customers save 21 percent
  • Our customers’ care team has won two national industry awards

The same concept applies when describing products. Average sales message tell what the product does or what the product is. Such messages force the customer to the process of figuring out how the factoid in the sales message applies to the customers’ own concerns, situation and possible needs. By contrast, great sales messages show why the product is (or should be) important to the customer.


Wrong messages

  • Our software automates supply chains
  • Our marketing experts help build brand awareness
  • Our gadgets have dual framistats

   Right messages 

  • Our software makes your products available for sale 10% faster
  • Our experts can help you double sales by building brand awareness
  • Dual framistats mean your gadget will work even when dropped.

   Clever sales persons or sales managers, know that if they want to increase sales, they have not to rely solely on the marketing departments of their company, for the sales  messages they come out with.

They go through all the available marketing and sales materials and convert the tell what messages to show why messages. Then, they go to the customers with them.

It might sound a little bit challenging, but put your customer’s hat on your head first, do your homework, and then you will realize is easy after all!!







Posted in Thanos Alafogiannis @en
